Kris Cruse
Kris Cruse - Creative Portfolio
All projects from Advanced Transdisciplinary Studio - Art 325.
Wearable/Transportable Unit
The WichMaker, September 2024. Wearable object and mask. Performed in the Cubenhiem, Chapman University.
Materials List:
Apron, lace, embroidery, acrylic, paper, cardboard, elastic, long sleeve, wedding heels, and sandwich bags.
Full outfit, front view.
Long-sleeve, back view.
Artist Statement: WichMaker
Still from WichMaker Performance.
Full WichMaker performance video.
Ritual/ Ceremony Unit
girlhood to womanhood: the contrasting ceremony of playtime.
November 2024. Projected. AI, digital collage, drawings, pen.
Artist Statement: girlhood to womanhood: the contrasting ceremony of playtime.
Full video of girlhood to womanhood: the contrasting ceremony of playtime.
Stage 1: Invitation.
Stage 2: Powder up.
Stage 3: Dress-up.
Stage 4: United together.
Stage 5: Goodbyes and see you agains.
Images and documentation of projection.
Approximately 36" x 72".
Video Unit
Me Too: Takedown of Corrupt Power.
November 2024. Performance, projection, installation, audio.
2 channel videos, poster paper, newspaper.
Stills from Me Too: Takedown of Corrupt Power. Performance and Presentation.
Entire Video of Me Too: Takedown of Corrupt Power.
Environment and Details of Me Too: Takedown of Corrupt Power.
Channel 1 Video of Me Too: Takedown of Corrupt Power.
Artist Statement:
Me Too: Takedown of Corrupt Power.
Channel 2 Video of Me Too: Takedown of Corrupt Power.
Final Project
Within the Moment: Layers to Yes.
December 2024.
Performance, projection, audio.
Step 1: Notice.
Step 3: Speak.
Step 5: Grasp.
Step 7: Limits.
Step 9: Own.
Step 11: Agree.
Step 2: Engage.
Step 4: Hear.
Step 6: Honor.
Step 8: Decide.
Step 10: Confirm.
Step 12: Yes.
Artist Statement: Within the Moment: Layers to Yes.
Link to Performance of Within the Moment: Layers to Yes.